Hello! I'm Marc González Rossell and I think and write stories through drawing. I am a magician, illusionist and seer but above all, an illustrator.
Reading Macatzines - Personal
La Innocència dels Mosquits (Editorial Chronos) - book cover.
Narranación 10 - Magazine Cover
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Personal
PETIT SÀPIENS - Illustrations for article Magazine
Ciutat Soterrada (Editorial Sfabula)
Music - Personal
Anys després... - Published at Narranación #10
Cinco lágrimas verdes - Interior book illustrations
Folls Restaurant - illustrations
L'aventura - Personal
Madame Ruiseñor - Personal
Cinco Làgrimas Verdes - Cover book
El Fantasma de la Ventafocs - Personal
Fanerozoico - Zine
Springtime - personal animation
The Lord Of The Rings - Book cover
Folls restaurant
Illustrations for the Folls restaurant. The assignment was to intervene with illustrations in its graphic image through gags or sketches in an editorial aspect to explain the character that permeates its gastronomy.
Hot Blues Sessions (HBS1)
Illustrations and design of the outer covers for the anthology album Hot Blues Sessions, published by Bankrobber, Underpool and Hidden Track Records. The assignment was to transfer the art and music that was experienced in the concerts recorded live at the legendary Hot Blues bar located in Igualada.
Acid Rain > Rec Brew
The brewery Rec Brew contacted me to intervene in their new beer Acid Rain under the irreverent and groundbreaking umbrella that characterizes the brewery to denounce climate problems and environmental pollution.
Octavio y sus gafas (Tres Tristes Tigres, 2024).
Octavio and his glasses (Kids Can Press, TBP May 2025).
Octavio hasn’t been able to see well for some time. Until today. This is how my first picture book debut begins, a story about imagination and stories itself.
Les Dones de Fang - The Women of Mud (2019).
Gregori Pedrallapis, the sole survivor of an expedition on an extraterrestrial planet, meets the Women of Mud and documents everything in a diary, poems and drawings.
VAMPIRO: Solo cobardes - Vampire: Cowards only (2018).
A vampire at war. A soldier cursed by an insatiable thirst who must come to terms with his principles, his life and vocation.
The Gonzalian Manifesto, the basic principles that I transmit to each work, project and illustration.
I believe in the power of imagination above all else, in its realm and in every creature, place and color that inhabits it.
Drawing is my vehicle and illustration the kaleidoscopic glasses that help me tell stories from any perspective with my own voice.
I believe in books as a support to transport the flame of imagination and anchor stories to our reality in a physical and tangible object.
I believe in the process from the beginning to the end of each project and in the beauty of all its states and phases.
Enjoyment is the only way to create full, pure, exciting and dazzling art.
Work together
If you like what you've seen and think we can work and collaborate together, I'd be happy to read and listen to you.